الجمعة، 29 أبريل 2011

I am on my way to freedom land series

It is quite rare time to have time post new stuff , well i dont want to show something new this time 
but it is a previous work which is a multi series of one theme that i did as a final project
my topic was about freedom
it was around 7 series of print and each one is different from other one to show up the way and express the feeling of freedom 

As freedom is an only one word but it has multi of meaning to people, i choose a freedom on children eye 
as children want to find their freedom way on  and they want to go to freedom land where is no limitation on society ,  no parents role, no war , they want a land that they can live free and have fun with their lovers 

that is freedom on children eye

details ..... 

freedom in different way of feeling 

 freedom is way of find color in sky 

 freedom is way to make your land color 

layout of  freedom series  

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